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Our Way & Nature's Way

Writer: Dr TDr T

Noticing climate change & inner change

Day 13 - July 21, 2021 – Nature's Way

Simplicity today.

I went back to using decoupage intermingled with beach finds and sand. Today was strange at the beach, really strong waves seemed to suck away rocks and glass that had been at the beach yesterday. As Susie and I combed from Greenleaf toward the Artist’s Wall, we saw nothing but deserted sand, until I spied a stray rock, too large for the lake waves to suck back in. It was sunken into the sand like an iceberg, just the tip peeking out above the wet sand.

"Blue Nature" - 7.21.21

We walked about half a mile before coming across a stretch of somewhat normal beachfront scattered with rocks and pebbles, and even then almost devoid of glass bits. It kind of made me remember the power of nature to give and to take away, and my fear that climate change is wreaking havoc on the city we take for granted.

There was a New York Times article recently published about Chicago and how it was painstakingly built in levels above the Chicago River and Lake Michigan. It pointed out that climate change is threatening the city’s shoreline and the delicate balance of land and water. That article shook me to my core; maybe nature is going to take my city back into the waters it was built upon.


Today I focused on amazing rock finds, and one large piece of bluish stone, pocked with craters, sandy, white threads etched across the surface. When I found it in the sand it appeared white, but against the white tile background, it shows its blue nature.

I used it to create a lake scape – the rock depicted the blue of the waters, while I chose a bowl of blueberries to mimic the sky. My studio-mate said she saw the lake as she looked at the semi-finished piece. Cool.


Walking with Susie was a welcome change of pace - no power walk today, both our bodies requested a turtle's pace. We were able to catch up, enjoy the beach, comb for treasures, and then take time to view the Artists of the Wall.

Every year Rogers Park holds a live, mural painting weekend in June; 160 residents come out and paint a section of concrete wall and bench. The artwork stays up until the following year when the stretch is painted with new murals.

Susie and I walked the area slowly, taking time to appreciate the new collection of artwork painted just last month. So much variety in color, style, some wonderful pieces as well as words, messages about being strong, honoring ourselves, fighting for what's important.

Looking at all those inspiring words and images reminded me to own who and what I am - not give up, not apologize, not discredit my skills, talents, and experience. I must be the writer in me, the artist, the business owner, the advocate - without apology.


I'm going to apply for the part-time racial equity position with Living Room Conversations. I have nothing to lose, everything to gain, and much to offer. It says to the world “Yes, I do want to participate in making this world a place where I want to live.”

I don’t care if I get the position or not – I mean, yes, the outcome is important, but it isn't the point. The point is me saying, “This is where I’m at. I'm ready to surrender, to do what the universe asks of me.” If it isn't the right opportunity, it won't happen, and if it is, then it will. I have the faith to know that whatever the outcome, it is the exact right one for me now, in this moment.

I am at peace with what I am doing, this project, which after tomorrow's beach walk, art, and writing will be two weeks old! The day after that I will be halfway through the 30 days.

Thank you, God, and the Universe for sending me this fabulous project.



Until tomorrow... For Your Consideration...

What is your favorite spot to take in the wonders of nature?


Do you want to create your own 30-Day Project? Is it time to LEAP?


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