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Coloring Life Outside the Lines

Writer: Dr TDr T

Taking off our self-imposed shackles

Day 6 – July 14, 2021 - Connecting & Community

Blue beach glass has shown up two days in a row; this never happens. And OMG: working with alcohol ink on tile is amazing – can’t wait to do more!

"Come in Unity" - Day 6, 7.14.21

Today’s walk to the lake was about the vibrancy of community, and how it colors the world when we are open, and make space and time to see what surrounds us every day. We connect spontaneously; it’s part of the beauty of walking.

At the beach I saw two tiny dogs standing in the water up to what would be their knees, just standing there, as if to say “aaahhh, this feels good on my aching dogs!” They looked so calm, just taking in the water; they almost seemed to be meditating.

“That must be so cool in this sweltering heat,” I say to the woman holding their leashes. “Yeah, they’re happy!” she replies, “They have no interest in swimming, or chasing balls like normal dogs. They just want to stand in the water.”

As we talked, I spied blue glass, a fairly large piece – almost an inch long – unusual for blue beach glass. “Wow,” she said, “You found blue!” A fellow beach glass aficionado! Of course, this led to a lengthy conversation about collecting beach glass. We both agreed – red is the most coveted – we’ve each found only one piece over years of scouring the beachfront.


As I walked home I ran into a familiar man and his dog. The dog came over, sniffed my outstretched hand, decided I was worthy, and gently kissed my fingers. “Gabby,” he said, and I told him how happy I was to be able to pet her because I’d left my girl at home.

“Remind me what your dog looks like,” he said, and I told him about Lila. “Oh yeah, I remember you had the leash wrapped around your hand and were holding her back like she was gonna take out Gabby’s throat.”

Hah! She probably would have!

We talked a while longer, and as I left, we exchanged names – “I’m Bob, and this is my friend Maria.” “Michelle, and my Cujo-dog is named Lila.”

As I walked on I thought about how good I felt, the simple joy of connecting with random neighbors equally happy to be connecting with me!

A third conversation just before I got to my block occurred when I saw a dog I’d fallen in love with from my deck the week before - a beautiful mix – maybe a Boxer or a Pit – fawn and white with paralyzing sea-green eyes. His person warned me not to get too close, “Oliver isn’t great with strangers.”

I recounted how Lila isn’t good with dogs, which led to a conversation about the challenges of caring for pups that aren’t always friendly. We love our dogs but wish we could convince them of the benefits of expanding their social circles. And it isn’t just about making things easier for their humans; we want them to be able to be at peace around others – dogs or people.


I love my neighborhood – so full of beautiful people of all races, ages, origins, genders…

Rogers Park is so vibrant in its diversity and that is what today’s art reflected: The Vibrant Color of Diversity! I am so happy that I have found my way back here!

Permission Granted:

Color outside the lines and enjoy it!


Until tomorrow... For Your Consideration...

You have the key to remove your "shackles."

Where in your life do you want to go "shackles off?"


Do you want to create your own 30-Day Project?

Is it time to LEAP?


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